Development Planning 2024

Here are some thoughts and links about some of the things I’m thinking about for professional development and education for the year. Updated post in early July with some details and “how it’s going”.

This looks like an awful lot of courses

  • Seminar series and book club from Threat Intel Dot Academy (a few lectures behind)
  • review a SANS core course to update and refresh skills
    • ICS515: ICS Visibility, Detection, and Response (August)
    • probably DFIR Netwars run too
  • helped a tiny with ICS4ICS workforce development
    • applied for my first credential there 2Q
  • OffSec: PEN-200 this year, started …
  • DFIR.Training / Brett S. (is back): Placing Suspects Behind the Keyboard V2 (July)
  • SANS Security Architecture/ZT course and certification ($work) (ETA: July 2024)
  • Investigation Theory (AND) group study ($work) (through July)
  • Antisyphon range time / ACE-T™ Level 5

leadership and comms, too ?

$dayjob leader has some ideas about courses and seminars

  • Do more writing/educating/presenting
    • apply to present (CFP)s
    • present & share (brown bags)
    • posts & articles, quick shares
  • more / better mentoring

Somewhat inspired by previous years’ plans. Feedback appreciate or just share what you are learning!

Written on March 1, 2024